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RELEASE: THRC REMARKS ON 89TH Remarks on 89th Session Committee Assignments

Texas House Republican Caucus

(Austin, Texas) -- We congratulate our fellow Republican caucus members who have been appointed to chair their respective House committees and subcommittees. Their leadership will be critical in advancing Governor Abbott's top legislative priorities and other conservative initiatives this session, ensuring Texas continues to thrive and grow.


With Speaker Burrow’s appointment of all Republican majority committees with all Republican chairs, the caucus is ready to get to work to deliver strong, conservative results for all Texans.


We look forward to championing the issues that matter most to Texas families, businesses and their communities.

The Texas House Republican Caucus officers are as follows: Rep. Tom Oliverson, MD, Chair; Rep. Shelby Slawson, Vice-Chair; Rep. Dennis Paul, Treasurer; and Rep. Ellen Troxclair, Secretary.



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