(Austin, Texas) -- Sunday evening, Governor Greg Abbott delivered the State of the State, announcing his emergency items for the legislature to tackle this session. The emergency items are as follows:
Property Tax Relief;
Texas-Sized Investment in Water;
Teacher Pay Raises;
Increased Career Training;
School Choice;
Bail Reform; and
Creation of the Texas Cyber Command.
The Governor reiterated his support of the Republican House Caucus and recognized our members for their past and current legislation regarding these emergency items:
Rep. Cody Harris (Palestine) for his work on addressing the dwindling water supply;
Rep. Brad Buckley (Salado) for championing school choice;
Rep. David Spiller (Jacksboro) for his commitment to bail reform;
Rep. Giovanni Capriglione (Southlake) for his extensive research into cyber-security and AI; and
Reps. Keith Bell (Forney) and Gary Gates (Richmond) for their strong support of career training for students.
The House Republican Caucus stands ready to address these items to promote a safer and stronger Texas, ensuring the continued success of our state in the future. The Caucus is looking forward to delivering solutions for all Texans under the leadership of Speaker Dustin Burrows, promoting a unified Republican party.
The Texas House Republican Caucus officers are as follows: Rep. Tom Oliverson, MD, Chair; Rep. Shelby Slawson, Vice-Chair; Rep. Dennis Paul, Treasurer; and Rep. Ellen Troxclair, Secretary.