Texas is well-known as a pro-2nd Amendment state. Republicans in the Texas House made sure the Lone Star State stays that way this session by passing several priority bills to protect gun rights for Texans. Among those are the widely supported House Bill 1972 to establish permitless carry and House Bill 2622 to make Texas a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State. Here's a quick look at those bills and more protected 2A in Texas:

#HB1972 by state Rep. Matt Schaefer is the Permitless Carry bill, aka Firearm Carry Act, that allows all law-abiding Texans the right to carry a holstered handgun for personal protection. Read more on the bill here: https://www.texashousecaucus.com/post/news-texas-house-passes-strongest-pro-2nd-amendment-bill-in-state-history

#HB2622 by state Rep. Justin Holland acknowledges Texas as a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State as a protection against federal overreach. Read more on that bill here: https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=87R&Bill=HB2622
#HB841 by state Rep. Dewayne Burns protects gunowners who unknowingly or accidentally carry a handgun into a facility where carrying a firearm is prohibited by reducing the penalty to a ticketed offense. Read more on that bill here: https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=87R&Bill=HB854
#HB1407 by state Rep. Matt Schaefer protects the right of concealed-carry license holders to carry a gun holstered in their car or truck without keeping the holstered gun on their person. This bill is headed to Governor Greg Abbott's desk. Read more on that bill here: https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=87R&Bill=HB1407

#HB1500 by state Rep. Cole Hefner protects the right of gun store owners to remain open during disasters and emergencies, ensuring Texans’ right to purchase guns and ammo.
Read more on the bill here: https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=87R&Bill=HB1500
#HB2112 by state Rep. Will Metcalf broadens protections for Texans carrying a handgun in a holster by expanding the definition to any type of holster, not just a shoulder or belt holster as statute currently states. Read more on the bill here: https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=87R&Bill=HB2112
#HB2558/#SB19 by state Rep. Giovanni Capriglione prohibits government contracts with companies that discriminate against 2nd Amendment industries. Read more on the bill here: https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=87R&Bill=SB19
For a look at more Conservative victories in the Texas House this session, click the articles below.