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NEWS: THRC Responds to Texas Democrat Refusal to Work on Remote Learning Options Amid COVID-19 Surge

Texas House Republican Caucus

AUSTIN – The Texas House Republican Caucus (THRC) today responded to the Texas House Democrat Caucus demanding the Governor allow schools remote learning options amid the most recent COVID-19 surge, despite Governor Abbott including this issue on the special session call.

“It is the height of hypocrisy for the Texas Democrats to demand the Governor do a job they are constitutionally required to do,” said THRC Chairman Jim Murphy (R-Houston). “Governor Abbott already placed ‘strategies for public education’ on his special session call, only for the Democrats to refuse to show up and demand that someone else do their job for them. These representatives have an obligation to actually represent their constituents, and if Texas children are not able to receive a proper education this school year, the blame will lie solely with the Democrats who are refusing to show up for work.”


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