The proposed Texas House Budget appropriates $288.7 billion, a decrease of $8.5 billion or 2.9 percent. State General Revenue (GR) spending totals $130.1 Billion, an increase of $11.9 billion or 10.1 percent. While remaining well below the Pay as You Go, constitutional tax spending limit, and the newly created consolidated general revenue limit, the 88th Legislature has identified a series of priorities that will be addressed this session through a fiscally conservative budget to meet the needs of Texans in the following ways:
Property Tax Relief
The legislature will use the budget surplus to provide the largest property tax cut in Texas history. This session, $15 billion will be directed towards property tax relief for all Texas property owners. Tax relief through appraisal reform, additional rate compression, or increases to the homestead exemption will help lower property tax bills across the state.
Public Education & School Safety
After recent enrollment growth in K-12 schools, $38.4 billion has been allocated to fully fund public education in Texas. This will ensure that per-student funding for public schools meets current law requirements. To protect the data privacy for all K-12 students in Texas, $55 million has been directed towards the creation of a new cybersecurity initiative. The House will also clear the waitlist of Texas students waiting to receive Supplemental Special Education Services by providing an additional $33 million in state funding.
To make sensible and meaningful change for the safety of teachers and students, $600 million has been allocated for school safety equipment and safety measures (this is in addition to the $400 million that was previously directed towards school safety during the 2022 interim).
Higher Education
A new $2.5 billion endowment will be created for research-based funding at institutions of higher education across the state. This endowment will help keep Texas number one for Tier 1 Research Universities. Another $650 million, contingent on legislation, will be used to implement the recommendations of the Texas Commission on Community College Finance to overhaul how community colleges are funded in Texas.
Health and Human Services
The Texas House will expand the graduate medical education available to Texas students by allocating $34 million towards education in the medical field. The medical workforce in Texas will be further expanded by directing $57 million to the nursing and mental health professional workforce across the state. This will ensure that all Texans have access to doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals.
Mental health services will also be expanded by allocating $2.3 billion to increase the mental health bed capacity in Texas. These funds will also allow for renovations and repairs to be made at existing mental health facilities. To better enhance the resources available to those experiencing a mental health crisis, $55.5 million will be directed to crisis services including crisis stabilization units, crisis respite units for youth, and youth mobile crisis outreach teams. These critical services will provide crucial services to Texans in crisis. The Texas House remains committed to protecting the unborn with a $20 million increase to the Alternatives to Abortion program.
Public Safety
With the federal government’s failure to secure the southern border, the Texas House will maintain the state's commitment to addressing this issue by allocating $4.6 billion to secure the Texas-Mexico border. This will include $1 billion to continue construction of physical barriers along Texas’ southern border.
The forensic toxicology testing backlog will be eliminated by a $22 million investment to improve the state crime lab. These funds will ensure that the Texas criminal justice system operates swiftly and justly for all Texans. Similarly, operating expenses and additional salaries for Community Supervision and Corrections Departments will be addressed with $113 million of additional funding towards the Texas Criminal Justice System.
Texas infrastructure will be improved to meet the needs of our growing state during this legislative session. The Texas House is ready to put a down payment on the future of Texas with a once in a lifetime budget surplus. $150 million will be used to improve Texas ports, $400 million will be directed to flood mitigation, $400 million for deferred maintenance at state facilities, and $100 million will be allocated for acquisition of state park land.
